‘If you think you can or if you think you can’t you’re probably right’ - Henry Ford
Clinical Hypnotherapy, helping you to quit smoking, relieve anxiety and deal with
stress, lose weight, cure phobias, manage depression, sleep problems, OCD and more.
Childbirth is a natural bodily function, not a medical condition. If you are having a baby, Sheila can help you through your pregnancy and prepare you for the birth to make the experience as natural and enjoyable as possible. If any problems do occur like placenta previa, turning breech babies, lack of sleep at the end of pregnancy or anxiety about giving birth, Sheila can help you.
Thanks for all your support. People are always amazed when I tell them I had no pain killers. My baby is doing well. He is a very loving baby. - Maria, Gloucestershire.
Sheila can show you DVDs of her mums-to-be giving birth saying how much they enjoyed it, that they weren’t in any pain and how they could have done it again the next day.
Here you can see a video of Nadia Sawahala being interviewed about her amazing HypnoBirthing® birth on The Wright Stuff (please persevere with the advert!).
Hypnosis is the most effective form of pain relief during labour without changing the course of the labour - British Medical Association
Whichever suits you best, you can choose between an individual hypnotherapy session, a one day ante natal course or a complete HypnoBirthing® course for you and your birthing partner.
For more information, please go to Sheila’s GentleBirth website www.gentlebirth.co.uk